Yield Processing

Use the data you already own

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VRT Solutions can process yield maps from any brand of harvester


VRT Solutions utilise geo-spatial statistical tools to create gross margin maps and future planning for variable rate application


VRT Solutions can accurately calibrate and process yield data


Airborne and Satellite Imagery

Harnesses biomass imagery and data

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Real Time

Utilise a low cost, real time opportunity to make timely decisions on crop management

Compare & Combine

Compare biomass data with yield maps from harvesters. Combine biomass data with soil mapping and analysis for deeper insights into soil variability issues


Use NDVI imagery to monitor crop growth, scout for possible issues and determine fertiliser timing along with detecting pest and disease pressures


Elevation and Drainage

Utilise elevation maps to manage risks

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Identify low-lying areas that are susceptible to frost and waterlogging risk


Add an extra data layer in crop yield analysis to see how drainage issues impact crop yields


Develop drainage models that can be used to alter water flows in paddocks, leading to improved yield outcomes

PA made easy, VRT Solutions gives our business a consultancy and service that is based on effective data management and implementation
– James Heggaton, Kojonup, WA

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does this cost?

  • Affordable data processing
  • Versatile benefits
  • Informed decisions

Costs of yield data, remote sensing and elevation data processing can be less than a dollar per hectare, depending on area. This data can assist in strategic farm planning, farm performance, evaluation of current on-farm practices, and improvement of struggling areas on the farm. Combining a few informative layers of seasonal information can result in better decisions in the farming system.

What is biomass imagery?

  • NDVI Definition
  • Calculation Basis
  • Farming benefits or mistakes made

Normalised differential vegetation index (NDVI) is calculated by using a formula, looking at the reflectance of visible red light and near infrared light on green areas. Chorophyll in plant leaves has high absorbance of visible light, while leaf cells reflect near infrared light. If there is variability in the health of the crop, assessing the NDVI across a farm or paddock (of the same species and variety) can lead to better use of top up nitrogen applications, especially in a VR situation.

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